Friday, May 22, 2020

Crucible Literary Essay - 1129 Words

Literary Essay: The Crucible by Arthur Miller In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Reverend Parris is a character in the play that is very static. His character does not evolve in many ways during the course of the play. By the end of the play, Reverend Parris is still selfish, stubborn, and greedy. However, one of his most prominent flaws at the begging of the play is his selfishness. At the very beginning of the play, it is quite obvious that Parris is a selfish person. He only cares about himself, his reputation and materialistic things. â€Å"(†¦) in the midst of such disruption, my own household is discovered to be the very center of some obscene practice. Abominations are done in the forest—† (pg. 11). This quote shows that he†¦show more content†¦I am paid little enough without I spend six pound on firewood† (both on pg. 29) these quotes show that having things/possessions are important to him and he wants them right away, and he even w ants more money on his pay to get these extras. Another example of his greediness is that he wants to break tradition to obtain the deed to the house he is given because he is a minister. Proctor: â€Å"Mr. Parris, you are the first minister ever did demand the deed to this house† Parris: â€Å"Man! Don’t a minister deserve a house to live in? Proctor: â€Å"to live in, yes. But to ask the ownership is like you shall own the meeting house itself (...)† (pg. 30). This shows that Parris wants what he wants, and he will try and get it. He wants to break tradition to own a house he is not supposed to own, and he uses his title of ‘minister’ as a way of pity to get it. Lastly, Parris wants golden candlesticks in the church instead of the regular ones. Proctor to Hale: (†¦) for twenty week He preach nothin but golden candlesticks until he had them. I labor the earth from dawn of day to blink of night, and I tell you true, when I look to heaven and see my money glaring at his elbows - it hurt my prayer, sir, it hurt my prayer. I think, sometimes, the man dreams cathedrals, not clapboard meetin houses. (pg. 65) This quote shows that Parris only cares about his image. He wantsShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible Critical Lens Essay866 Words   |  4 PagesIII, Period 7 22 November 2014 The Crucible Critical Lens Essay As Vladimir Lenin once stated, â€Å"A lie told often enough becomes truth.† This quote indicates that if you constantly repeat a lie, eventually people will come to believe it. I definitely agree with Lenin. A lie won’t stay a secret forever. Lenin’s quote remains true and evident in Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible. 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